DLC Energy Efficiency Certification


DLC stands for “The Design Lights Consortium.” It is a voluntary energy efficiency certification program initiated by the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP). The DLC certification product directory is used to promote high-performance LED lighting fixtures in the United States that are not covered by the ENERGY STAR standards.

DLC, or “The Design Lights Consortium,” is a voluntary energy efficiency certification program initiated by the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP). The DLC certification product directory is used to promote high-performance LED lighting fixtures in the United States that are not covered by the ENERGY STAR standards.

The current version of the DLC technical requirements is V4.0, which has been in effect since September 1, 2016. This version focuses on lighting products primarily used in outdoor commercial and industrial applications, such as:

  • Outdoor Wall Lights
  • Garage Lights
  • Industrial Lighting
  • Outdoor LED Fixtures
  • LED Tubes

The V4.0 requirements include key performance metrics such as:

  • Total Luminous Flux
  • Beam Luminous Flux
  • Luminous Efficacy
  • Color Temperature
  • Color Rendering Index (CRI)
  • Luminous Maintenance
  • Power Factor
  • Harmonic Distortion

To achieve DLC certification, products must be tested by a third-party laboratory accredited by NVLAP (National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program) and must provide a test report.

Products Applicable for DLC Certification Include:

  1. Outdoor Post-Top/Arm-Mounted Area and Roadway Luminaires
  2. Outdoor Post-Top/Arm-Mounted Decorative Luminaires
  3. Outdoor Wall-Mounted Area Luminaires
  4. Wall Wash Fixtures
  5. Landscape/Emergency Floodlights and Spotlights
  6. Gas Station Lights/Parking Lot Lights
  7. LED Panel Lights
  8. LED Tubes, among others.